Monday, May 28, 2007

Balboa Park, San Diego

We spent a really nice relaxing day wandering around Balboa Park, which is a kind of Italianate (Mexicanate?) place. Imagine a very large, warm, non-Welsh version of Portmeirion and you'll get a not particularly good idea of what it was like. We ate lunch with a man in a cowboy hat and a german who looked precisely like Robin Williams, which felt a little surreal. There was this rather nice hothouse, though this being San Diego it seemed not to be particularly sealed against the elements. More of a wind break than anything else. Our Hotel was this tall slim affair. At night, we would be woken up at about two AM by a great big train going past. The first warning was the dinging of the bells on the level crossings, followed by the stentorian honking of the train's whistle.
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1 comment:

Adrian said...

Great photos...bring back memories. Love the night shot, and who's the mexican babe..??