Saturday, February 02, 2008

A fine stinker

For days, I had been wandering around the house muttering 'I can smell something'. It had become an obsession. I first suspected the drains, then Sam's trainers, then my own BO. I finally noticed that the smell seemed strongest in our utility room, so I went to investigate. At last the light dawned: there, inside the fridge, in its box, wrapped in grease-proof paper, wrapped in a plastic bag and then placed inside another box, was a fine slab of Pont L'Eveque, the first strike weapon of the French cheese armaments division. The insidious pong had penetrated its five containment barriers. Without further ado, we did the only sensible thing, and had it for lunch. What a fine cheese! One funny thing though. I am a lover of the stinky, runny french cheese, but I have never found anything that they go with (apart from bread and crackers). I am left with the conclusion that they are a thoroughbred: meant to be savoured in solitary splendour.
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Vienna Market

We found this exceptional market in Vienna - live fish, and enough wasabi nuts to satisfy even the keenest green horseradish fanatic.
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Too much of a good thing

This sight of petrified feminine bounty greeted me each morning as I looked out of the window from the Vienna Marriott. All very nice, but there's something about the endless repetition that is somewhat disquieting...
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